Fat experiences

Fast food and soda.

There's nothing quite like the pleasure of going to a fast food restaurant and getting a soda.

I love carrying the bag in one hand, cup in the other, and hearing the ice cubes rock around in the cup.

The more I think about it? The act alone of carrying that bag and soda cup, nevermind the delicious eating that happens after, is one of life's greatest pleasures. Just listening to all that food and soda move around...amazing.
1 year

Fast food and soda.

It is always very damn sensuous to watch a fat person gorge on some good fast food — perhaps some juicy burgers. You can see the building safisfaction on their faces as the combination of fatty flavours entrances them, and they eat until they break a sweat and their breathing is laboured.

But what will they inevitably do at that point? Seek some cooling relief from their icy, bubbling sugar infusion.

I love it.

As do I smiley. One of life's greatest pleasures.
1 year